Ohio State + Ohio Means Jobs Ohio State + Ohio Means Jobs

Why are you contacting me? Where did you get my number?

A while ago, you enrolled in a program to help you find a job or go back to school. The State of Ohio calls this program the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) although some counties have a different name for it. When you signed up you were told that The Ohio State University might contact you. You shared your contact information when you signed up and then they passed it along to us.

What will you do with my information?

OSU will keep your name and answers a secret. We will not share them with any other organization, including your county or the State of Ohio. Instead, we will summarize your answers along with those of anyone else who responds so that we can describe jobs in Ohio. We will only share information in summary form to describe how the program works.

Why should I do this?

It is hard for a lot of young people to find a job that offers a livable wage. By answering this survey, you can help us understand the programs that help youth in Ohio to get and keep jobs. This survey is the only way we can get the additional data we need.

You said I signed up for something called CCMEP. What is CCMEP?

CCMEP stands for Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program. But, your county might call it something else. In general, young people can meet with a counselor who will help youth go back to school, find a job, get counseling, tutoring or a bunch of other services. It helps youth to set and meet goals that will lead to good jobs.

Where can I get more information about CCMEP?

You can find more information on this Fact Sheet. You can also contact your county Job and Family Services Agency or Ohio Means Jobs Agency. To find your county information visit this website: jfs.ohio.gov

Links to additional information